About Us
Hello Beautiful. My name is Meih. I am a Mother. Daughter. Sister and friend to many. I’m also a registered nurse who loves fashion. While working as a nurse I would never wear a complete uniform because it wasn’t stylish enough so I would always wear a collared button shirt covered with a long white fitted uniform jacket because I liked how they made look. After working during the pandemic as a nurse I needed to be part of something that I could help flourish and that’s how MI’AMOUR came about. So I took the spelling of Mia and AMOUR which means “my love” In French and made MI’AMOUR. Initially MI’AMOUR was only to be online only. I got wind that a mall that I only went to as a child was being revitalized and looking for tenants decided to take a leap of faith and put MI’AMOUR in the heart of Downtown Cleveland. So now we’re here in-store and online.